Farmers Given Another Reprieve On Milk Prices

Farmers Given Another Reprieve On Milk Prices

New South Wales Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair

Coles And Aldi Step Up

Victor P Taffa

New South Wales Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair has welcomed the move by Coles and Aldi to raise their milk prices to help support our State’s dairy farmers.

“This is a great start for dairy farmers who have been struggling with the impacts of $1 a litre milk since 2011 and who are now facing added pressures due to the severe drought.” Minister Blair said.

“When Woolworths was the first to increase prices from a $1 a litre, I called on Coles and Aldi to follow suit and was disappointed with their response and resistance.”

“In recent weeks, I have met directly with all the major supermarkets and took the unprecedented step of writing to Coles directors and top 20 shareholders to seek a rethink of their approach.”

“I have met with dairy farmers and processers right across the State and have listened to their heartfelt stories of their struggles and fears for their future in New South Wales.” Minister Blair said.

“We know that this small price increase isn’t a silver bullet but it’s a good start and I congratulate Coles and Aldi on this important first step.”

“Issues facing the dairy industry aren’t over though. They still need the support of consumers, processors and Government.”

“Last week, we announced a Fresh Milk and Dairy Advocate who will be backed up by a dedicated team to assist dairy farmers get a fair deal, as well as providing free training for dairy farmers.” Minister Blair said.

“Alongside that we will work with industry to develop a ‘buy local fresh milk’ marketing campaign and undertake a targeted campaign overseas.”

“Together, we can all make a difference. Together we can ensure that New South Wales dairy farmers don’t just survive here in New South Wales but grow and continue to produce some of the world’s best fresh milk and dairy products.”

“So please, get out there and get some milk.” Minister Blair said.
